On Saturday, Charles gained control of his account back and posted a photo of his bare ass, writing, “hi I got my account back just case I ever get hacked again, here’s the ONLY nude I’ve ever taken! can’t threaten me with it now get a life.” James Charles’ response was to leak his own nude. Charles was recently hacked on Twitter, and tweets started going up that said stuff like “My c*ck is throbbing Lmao,” “I like to f**k cats w Shane Dawson.” Very mature computer folk out there. Makeup maven James Charles falls into the latter category. The new trend these days is leaking your own nudes, because we all have bodies so who cares? It’s completely understandable if celebrities (or anyone) don’t want their private parts or sex lives on display, but for some, it feels like it’s a better gamble to share revealing photos from their own account. It used to be that if a celebrity got hacked, they’d have to either pay up to protect their privacy or weather the storm of public embarrassment.